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Gardasil Awareness NZ


Gardasil Awareness New Zealand supports Fully Informed Choice in relation to all medical procedures. 

We  offer comprehensive information on the potential benefits and risks of the Gardasil® 9 vaccine.  This vaccine is  administered in New Zealand to protect against HPV infections.  We help you to gain a balanced view of what the vaccine can do – prevent 5 strains of HPV associated with cervical cancer and 4 strains associated with warts.  What it has not been proven to do is to prevent cancer, although it is heavily marketed as a cancer vaccine.     If you are considering getting the Gardasil® vaccine this is a good place to get a wide range of information,
We also offer support for parents and those who suffer injury or find their health in decline after the vaccine.

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HPV vaccine has done this to my child.

HPV vaccine has done this to my child.

This was a very hard video to post, my 12 yr old daughter was fine before her vaccine, now this is her life. We live in New Zealand and I thought our healthcare system was ok, we have been left to deal with this ourselves. I'm showing this because I want people to know what damage this vaccine can and does cause. Please research before deciding. I didn't :( sorry the audio wasn't the best, what I'm saying is "I've just carried Briar out of the bath as her legs keep collapsing, this is the amount of pain she is in after pain killers, that her pain feels like a 'big knife' in her legs, just over a year ago she could do all this, have a bath, play sport, just basically have a life, then the HPV vaccine happened and she can't do a thing, this is her life and this is the part nobody sees. I didn't want to cause her more pain but I wanted to show what her life is now." Thank you everyone for your support and advice, we will be starting I.v vit c shortly and I will keep you updated xxx Please feel free to leave comments, please also remember that I am just human, I made the decision to give her all 3 vaccines, based on my Drs telling me it was the best thing for her, I did not (at the time) even consider it was hpv vaccine that was causing her pain, it wasn't until I was able to take a step back and look at all the reasons for her decline in health. Of course I feel guilty, who wouldn't?! But this can no long be on just my shoulders. We all make the best decisions we can at the time with the information we have in front of us. Thank you to all those who have supported us! It really has been so positive from this horrible situation. Once again thank you xx I have created a Facebook page for anyone that would like to follow Briar's journey.
Not A Coincidence

Not A Coincidence

As of November 2013 there have been 31,741 reported adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine, and the position of the Pharmaceutical companies which make the vaccine, as well as the Department of Health and Human Services which holds patents and profits on the vaccine, is that they are all a coincidence. . Call your Congressman and tell them you want an investigation into the HPV vaccine and the damage it is causing to young men and women. "Not a Coincidence" is a campaign started by The Canary Party to address the medical community's repeated excuse that the symptoms, too many experience, after vaccination are just coincidental. Seizures, fainting, rashes, allergies, GI dysfunction, loss of speech, etc, etc all labeled a coincidence. It's time to end the excuses and start to listen to the injured and the parents of the injured. They deserve a forum to be heard, they deserve a voice, respect, attention, hearings and answers. They need a medical discovery process that uses their symptoms and their progression of illness in the process of finding treatments. All injured are worthy of being treated individually instead of disregarding their many medical maladies because of a vaccination program that is not allowed to be questioned. It's time for the government, the medical community and the media to start taking into account the too many that are affected. Please take the time to hear from these beautiful, well-spoken girls and Moms tell their stories of injury after Gardasil. Watch the extended version here: For more information, go to Producer: Allison Chapman Production services by

PO Box 28379, Remuera, Auckland 1541

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